

bijoux brigitte, 10 €

pimkie, 3€

--> inspirée par betty: J'aime ce tenue avec la jupe en jean!

i'm so glad that i finally found a military jacket for a nice price (10€!). I searched nearly the whole winter!
Yesterday me and some friends of mine were in Salzburg to see the city and of course to go shopping :) Well, although it was raining all the time , it was a great trip! I'll post the photos next time. Hope you'll all have a nice weekend with lots of fun and partys!

7 Kommentare:

  1. OMG, lucky you! everything was so cheap! that military jacket is amazing-great!!!
    been so long! how re u? u look pretty as usual :)

  2. wow, great finds darling!!

    i love when i find things that are cheap, it brightens me up!

  3. zuckersüß! das weiße shirt oben mit der Kette sieht großartig aus!!

  4. hey sarah, ich habe dich getagged, weil du so einen süßen blog hast!:) du findest die regeln auf meinem blog: http://natitata.blogspot.com/2009/04/ive-been-tagged.html
    xx nati

  5. Love the elephant necklace. So cute.


Liebe leute , die mich lesen^